
It seems that this word has dropped out of our vocabulary here in America.  It’s not often that you hear someone using it.  I think we have forgotten how blessed we are.

We are now in the season that we call, “Christmas.”  It is a time when most people reflect upon what God did for them through the baby in the manger.  We seem to be more friendly and open to helping those in need.  We even find ourselves giving gifts to people that we are not always sure we like (or like us).  There is this air of compassion and kindness that comes out during this season.  Too bad it didn’t stay around.

As I thought about all that God did for us back at the manger, I was overcome with gratefulness.  Is there really anyway for us to pay back or express fully how much we are grateful for the birth of our Messiah and Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ?  Could we out give the ultimate giver?

The Thesaurus says that, “Gratefulness is a warm, friendly feeling of gratitude.”  It is an, “Appreciating or being thankful to someone for giving you help.”

So here’s my question for us today, “What are you and I grateful for today?”

The first thing that comes to mind is – “I’m grateful for the love of my family.  I’m grateful for the blessings of my children and grandchildren.  There is no greater joy in having a family that loves Jesus and allows him to direct their lives.

I’m grateful for my church family.  They have been a great source of encouragement and through them my family and I have been loved and blessed.  A strong relationship with a church can bring you a sense of belonging and comfort.  I only wish that each person could experience the love and joy of being a part of a loving church.

I grateful for living in a free nation.  God has blessed this great country and I for one am so grateful to be living in the USA.  My prayer is that He will continue to have his hand of direction and blessing upon us.  May he always be the Lord our lives and the Lord of our country.

And lastly, I’m grateful for God’s word.  For through it I find strength, encouragement, and help to be the Husband, Father and Pastor that God would want me to be.  God has blessed us with giving us his word.  Each time I open it I find his firm hand of correction; his strong arm of support; his all-encompassing hand of direction; and his overwhelming love for me.

I hope today you will find things to be grateful for.  And when you do, express your gratitude to the One who willingly sent his Son into this world to give us hope and eternal life.

May you and yours have a very, Merry Christmas.

About tmorrow52

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